RPLC Members Contribute to New Book: “Transformation of Resource Towns and Peripheries: Political Economy Perspectives”

A new book edited by UNBC Geography Professor Dr. Greg Halseth describes the multi-faceted process of transition and change in resource-dependent rural and small town regions since the end of the Second World War.
Titled Transformation of Resource Towns and Peripheries: Political Economy Perspectives, the book incorporates international case studies from Australia, Canada, Finland, and New Zealand. It highlights similarities and differences in patterns and practices in each country.
The book will appeal to policy makers and local and regional development practitioners. It will also be of interest to students of regional studies, geography, and rural and industrial sociology.
Halseth along with Laura Ryser, the Research Manager with the Rural and Small Town Studies program and Sean Markey from Simon Fraser University, collaborated on writing three chapters in the book.
For complete story, visit: http://www.unbc.ca/newsroom/unbc-stories/new-book-examines-transition-and-change-resource-dependent-communities
Source: University of Northern British Columbia

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