2018 CRRF – Call for Contributions for the Health & Shared Prosperity Conference
The 2018 Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation Conference is all about bringing together practitioners, policy makers, community leaders, and researchers interested in rural issues. This conference is a unique opportunity to share your own successes, learn from a diverse group of individuals, and hear the latest on issues that matter to communities and people who call rural Canada home. Conference subthemes include: Accessing Health, Feeding Success, Prosperous Labour Forces, Sharing Prosperity, and Eco-Health.
The conference organizing committee is accepting abstracts for oral presentations, panels, capacity building sessions, and posters for the upcoming conference in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan from October 9-12, 2018. Visit http://saskatoon2018.crrf.ca/call-for-contributions/ for more details about the call, and to submit your application.
Website: http://saskatoon2018.crrf.ca/