New Funding for Building Inclusive Communities
The Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities has been awarded a $25 000 grant from the Government of Alberta’s Anti-Racism Community Grant program. This program supports initiatives that raise awareness and understanding of racism and its impact on all Albertans as well as fostering cultural awareness and cross-cultural understanding in communities across the province. This grant will allow the ACSRC to implement a new initiative entitled “Building Inclusive Communities in Rural Alberta.” In addition to an academic research project aimed at better understanding the causes and consequences of racism in rural Alberta, this initiative will allow the ACSRC to deliver training and education on racism in rural communities to rural citizens, municipal workers, teachers and school administrators, religious organizations, and community groups throughout rural Alberta via workshops, community conversations, and the development and dissemination of information resources. The aim of this work is to increase the capacity of rural communities to address incidents of racism and hate crime directly. The Building Inclusive Communities in Rural Alberta initiative will be led by Dr. Clark Banack, a senior research associate with the ACSRC. Learn more about this initiative by click here.