Associate Professor DRUAB, Applied Economics Department
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
[toggles class=”yourcustomclass”]
[toggle title=”Past Research and Activities”]
- Ex ante evaluation of the rural development program in Cataluña
- Evaluation of article 68 of the Common Agricultural Policy
- Periurban agriculture and local markets
[toggle title=”Current Research & Activities”]
- Program for aid and support of new farmers through advise and training
- Food saving in the catalan food chain involving NGOs
- Contribution to LIFE program
[toggle title=”Future Plans & Interests”]
- Study of the application of the new Common Agricultural Policy at national level
[toggle title=”RPLC Membership & Theme Interests”]
Policy Fora
Natural Resources
[toggle title=”Links to My Other Pages”]
UAB Profile