Call For Abstracts – Beyond Binary Constructions of Labour Mobilities

We invite submissions of extended abstracts (500-700 words) for consideration around inclusion in a special issue proposal titled Beyond Binary Constructions of Labour Mobilities that is under development for submission in Spring, 2017.  Final selection of the target journal will take place after review and selection of relevant abstracts by the special issue editors.
Detailed abstracts of between 500 and 700 words, including a problem statement or theoretical frame, methodology, findings and implications, should be sent to Philomena de Lima by March 31 2017.
Authors will be notified by April 30 and full papers will be required by September 1 2017.  Inquiries can also be addressed to Philomena de Lima at
Provisional Title: Beyond Binary Constructions of Labour Mobilities
Editors:   Philomena de Lima, University of the Highlands and Islands Belinda Leach, University of Guelph Barbara Neis, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Deadline for submission of Abstracts:  March 31 2017
*CLICK HERE to view PDF of full proposal

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