Upcoming Event: Promoting highly-skilled migrant women in a global knowledge economy

Date: 12-13 September, 2019

Venue: Bologna

The purpose of the conference is to provide a unique venue for academic and practice-policy debate, aiming at advancing knowledge and practice about highly-skilled migration of women in the knowledge-based economy. International keynote speakers will be guested to discuss how to promote the talents of highly skilled migrant women from a policy, company, scientific, and individual point of view.he second day of the conference is dedicated to an international and interdisciplinary academic conference”.

The conference is hosted by the University of Bologna (Department of Management and Department of Education Studies).

The participation is free and the organizers will offer coffee breaks and a light lunch.

The conference is organized in the frame of the European project EUMentorSTEMCreation of a EUropean e-platform of MENTORing and coaching for promoting migrant women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (https://www.eumentorstem.eu/), funded by EU Erasmus+ programme.

For more information, you can contact me and/or writing to eumentorstem@unibo.it

Please, feel free to share information among your contact who might be interested in.

To register to the conference, please fill in the following link:


Click here for conference brochure

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