2014 SSHRC Partnership Meeting: “Governance and Managing Research Partnerships”
SSHRC Partnership Meeting. Reimer, Bill (2014) “Governance and Managing Research Partnerships” Partnership Grants Startup Meeting, SSHRC, Ottawa, ON.
Rural Policy Learning Commons (archived)
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SSHRC Partnership Meeting. Reimer, Bill (2014) “Governance and Managing Research Partnerships” Partnership Grants Startup Meeting, SSHRC, Ottawa, ON.
Federation of Canadian Municipalities announces Rural Fact Sheets series (prepared by Ray Bollman). http://www.fcm.ca/home/issues/rural-and-northern/rural-report-fact-sheets.htm
Book launch: Copus, Andrew K. and Philomena de Lima, eds (2014) Territorial Cohesion in Rural Europe: The Relational Turn in Rural Development, Routledge. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415859509/
Kelly Vodden interviewed about the RPLC on CBC regional radio
Reimer, Bill (2014) “Facilitating Collaboration among Researchers, Policy-makers, and Communities ” Presentation to the 2014 Rural Research Day, OMAF Conference Centre, Guelph, ON, April 29.