Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Concordia University, (H-1125-03) 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd, Montreal. QC. Canada
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[toggle title=”Past Research and Activities”]
- Japan’s Ainu Minority in Tokyo: Diasporic Indigeneity and Urban Politics (Routledge, 2014)
- Beyond Ainu Studies: Changing Academic and Public Perspectives (co-editor; University of Hawaii Press, 2014)
[toggle title=”Current Research & Activities”]
- Out of Place in Nunalijjuaq: effecting social change with Montreal Inuit through participatory action research ( – a SSHRC Insight funded participatory action research project
[toggle title=”Future Plans & Interests”]
- Transformations in Indigenous Societies RPLC theme team
- SSHRC Development Partnership Grant with urban Inuit organizations
[toggle title=”RPLC Membership & Theme Interests”]
Human Capital and Migration
[toggle title=”Links to My Other Pages”]
Concordia University