Matteo Vittuari

Lecturer of Agriculture and Food Policy Evaluation
University of Bologna, Via Fanin 50 Bologna Italy
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[toggle title=”Past Research and Activities”]

  • Food loss and waste in the food chain: drivers, quantification, impact and reduction strategies
  • Sustainability, development and socio-economic impacts of bioenergy chains. Evaluation of economic, environmental and social impacts of agricultural, food and rural policies
  • Social and economic transformations affecting agricultural systems and rural areas in Easter Europe, the Balkans and Central Asia

[toggle title=”Current Research & Activities”]

  • Food loss and waste in the food chain: drivers, quantification, impact and reduction strategies
  • Sustainability, development and socio-economic impacts of bioenergy chains
  • Evaluation of economic, environmental and social impacts of agricultural, food and rural policies

[toggle title=”Future Plans & Interests”]

  • REFRESH – Resource Efficient Food and drink for the Entire Supply chain
  • FP7 – FUSIONS – Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising Waste Prevention Strategies
  • ENERGY-AGRO-FOOD: Energy-Agro-food Synergies in Africa: New Educational Models for Universities
  • FIRB (MIUR): Multidisciplinary and innovative methodologies for sustainable management in agricultural systems

[toggle title=”RPLC Membership & Theme Interests”]

Publications (Team Lead)

Natural Resources


Research and Exchange

Policy Fora

[toggle title=”Links to My Other Pages”]