Philomena de Lima

Director of Centre for Remote and Rural Studies
University of the Highlands and Islands – Inverness College, Inverness, Scotland UK
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[toggle title=”Past Research and Activities”]
Selected Research :
TIPSE (The Territorial Dimension of Poverty and Social Exclusion in Europe).Two rural case studies- Scotland and Spain.  Principal Investigator
Employment and poverty and ethnicity: Employer behaviour and workplace culture, Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Co –Investigator with Herriot Watt University, Hudson Research and University of London(2012)
Selected Publications :
Copus, A. & de Lima, P. (ed) (2014) Territorial Cohesion in Rural Europe- The Relational Turn in Rural Development. London: Routledge .Regional Studies Best Book 2015  award in the Routledge Regions and Cities Series
de Lima, P. (2014) Reconciling Labour Mobility and Cohesion Policies –The Rural Experience in A. Copus and de Lima (ed) Territorial Cohesion in Rural Europe- The Relational Turn in Rural Development. London: Routledge
de Lima, P., Para, P. & Pfeffer, M. ( 2012 ) ‘Conceptualizing Contemporary Immigrant Integration in the Rural United States and United Kingdom’, in  Shucksmith et al (eds) Rural Transformations and Rural Polices in the UK and US. London : Routledge.
de Lima, P.   (2012)  ‘Migration, race and racism’ in  Mooney & Scott (eds) Social Justice and Social Welfare in Contemporary Scotland. Bristol : Policy Press.
de Lima, P.  ( 2011) ‘Boundary Crossings: migration, belonging / ‘un-belonging’ in rural Scotland’ in  Hedberg & de Carmo (eds) Translocal ruralism’: Mobility and connectivity in European rural space.  New York: Springer .
[toggle title=”Current Research & Activities”]
Director Centre for Remote and Rural Studies, University of the Highlands Islands, – Inverness College, Scotland.
Associate Director Centre for Research in Families and Relationships (CRFR)  University of Edinburgh.
PhD supervision
Projects :
Sustaining Livelihoods in Remote and Fragile Communities: The Role and Impact of Ferry Transport. ( Principal Investigator ) ( CoI F.  Rennie. UHI- Lewes Castle College , Western Isles , Scotland) (2014-15)
2011- 16 Research and Analytical Services for The Highland Council (THC). PI. THC.
[toggle title=”Future Plans & Interests”]
Writing/publishing and looking for collaborative funding opportunities
[toggle title=”RPLC Membership & Theme Interests”]

Human Capital and Migration

Infrastructure and Services

Research and Exchange



[toggle title=”Links to My Other Pages”]
Centre for Remote and Rural Studies
Research Gate