LEAD – Phil Loring, Phil.loring@usask.ca
CO-LEAD – Brent Steel, Bsteel@oregonstate.edu
CO-LEAD – Matteo Vittuari, matteo.vittuari@unibo.it
STUDENT SUPPORT – Michael Dawe, Michael.dawe@usask.ca
SAVE THE DATE – 2018 Arctic Science Conference & 2018 CRRF
The 2018 Arctic Science Conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science will be held October 9th in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The meeting is being held in tandem with the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF)’s annual conference, October 10-12, 2018. The conference theme is Health and Shared Prosperity in the North.
For more information visit: www.saskatoon2018.crrf.ca
A new book on renewable energy in the West, co-authored by RPLC’s Brent Steel, Oregon State University, and published by Springer, is available here.
Monday, January 29, 2018
Hidden Participants and Unheard Voices: Gender, Age, and other Influences on Traditional Ecological Knowledge Research in the North
Presenters: Maaya Hitomi and Philip Loring
Recordings of all of our webinars can be found on the RPLC YouTube channel. Visit the site to see all of the rural-related webinars or check out some of the RRE-related webinars below.
- 2017.11.02 – From Black Horses to White Steeds: Building Community Resilience, Dr. Laurie Brinklow and Dr. Ryan Gibson. Video, Powerpoint
- 2017.09.21 – 2017 CRRF- Working Together to Build a Regional Innovation Ecosystem in Non-Metropolitan Areas: BC Insights, Terri MacDonald, Rhys Andrews, Erin Handy, Jennifer Tedman-Jones, Amber Hayes, John Freshie. Video
- 2016.12.14 – Food Waste in the EU: from Evidence to Policy Interventions, Matteo Vittuari, Paolo Azzurro. Video, PowerPoint
- 2016.06.21 – Planning for Climate Change: an oxymoron?, Mike Sullivan & Gary Willson (PowerPoint), Henry David (Hank) Venema. (PowerPoint), Video
- 2015.05 – Food Waste Policies and Practices: North America and the EU – Video, Adbdel Felfel (PowerPoint), Dr. Matteo Vittuari. (PowerPoint)
- S2E3-Food Waste Discussion with Matteo Vittuari: https://soundcloud.com/ruralroutes/s2e3-foodwaste
- S1E11-Food Shopping with Catherine Mah: https://soundcloud.com/ruralroutes/episode-11-food-shopping-with-catherine-mah
- S1E7-Mining Legacy in the North: https://soundcloud.com/ruralroutes/episode-7-mininglegacy
For more episodes on a variety of rural issues, please visit: http://ruralroutespodcasts.com
Rural Routes is a Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development and Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation initiative. This show is supported through a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Connection grant.
Selected publications related to Rural Renewable Energy
Giordono, L. S., Boudet, H. S., Karmazina, A., Taylor, C. L., & Steel, B. S. (2018). Opposition “overblown”? Community response to wind energy siting in the Western United States. Energy Research & Social Science.
Piras, S., Pancotto, F., Righi, S., Vittuari, M., & Setti, M. (2018). Food waste as a (negative) measure of social capital. A study across Italian Provinces DEMB Working Paper Series, No. 127, University of Bologna
Setti, M., Banchelli, F., Falasconi, L., Segrè, A., & Vittuari, M. (2018). Consumers’ food cycle and household waste. When behaviors matter. Journal of Cleaner Production.
Cawley, A., O’Donoghue, C., Heanue, K., Hilliard, R., & Sheehan, M. (2018). The Impact of Extension Services on Farm-level Income: An Instrumental Variable Approach to Combat Endogeneity Concerns. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
De Menna, F., Dietershagen, J., Loubiere, M., & Vittuari, M. (2018). Life cycle costing of food waste: A review of methodological approaches. Waste Management.
Grainger, M. J., Aramyan, L., Logatcheva, K., Piras, S., Righi, S., Setti, M., Vittuari, M., Stewart, G. B. (2018). The use of systems models to identify food waste drivers. Global Food Security.
Grainger, M. J., Aramyan, L., Piras, S., Quested, T. E., Righi, S., Setti, M., … Stewart, G. B. (2018). Model selection and averaging in the assessment of the drivers of household food waste to reduce the probability of false positives. PLOS ONE, 13(2), e0192075.
Piras, S., Vittuari, M., Möllers, J., & Herzfeld, T. (2018). Remittance inflow and smallholder farming practices. The case of Moldova. Land Use Policy, 70(Supplement C), 654–665.
Pagani, Marco, Thomas G. Johnson, and Matteo Vittuari. 2017. “Energy Input in Conventional and Organic Paddy Rice Production in Missouri and Italy: A Comparative Case Study.” Journal of Environmental Management 188 (March):173–82.
De Menna, Fabio, Matteo Vittuari, and Giovanni Molari. 2015. “Impact Evaluation of Integrated Food-Bioenergy Systems: A Comparative LCA of Peach Nectar.” Biomass and Bioenergy 73 (February):48–61.
Johnson, Thomas G., and Ira Altman. 2014. “Rural Development Opportunities in the Bioeconomy.” Biomass and Bioenergy 63 (April):341–44.
Steel, Brent S., John C. Pierce, Rebecca L. Warner, and Nicholas P. Lovrich. 2014. “Environmental Value Considerations in Public Attitudes About Alternative Energy Development in Oregon and Washington.” Environmental Management 55 (3):634–45.
Cavicchi, Bianca, John M. Bryden, and Matteo Vittuari. 2014. “A Comparison of Bioenergy Policies and Institutional Frameworks in the Rural Areas of Emilia-Romagna and Norway.” Energy Policy 67 (April):355–63.
The State of Rural Canada Report
What is the future of Rural Canada? Published by the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF), the new, comprehensive report came about in order to draw attention to rural challenges and opportunities, and to provide a source of information and a platform for information sharing.