RSS Abstract Submission – 3 Days Left!

2016 RSS Annual Meeting Call for Papers, Posters, and Organized Sessions

The theme of the 2016 conference is Understanding Rural Social Class in an Era of Global Challenge and will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 7 – 10 August 2016.

As a sociological construct, social class is as old as the discipline itself. Over its history, rural sociology has been captivated by the determinants, nature and consequences of social class. Rural sociologists study its interaction with land tenure, the expansion of corporate farming, race and ethnicity, patterns of migration and mobility, fossil fuel extraction, environmental justice, population health, rural poverty, and myriad other topics. The fact is that class matters and yet, even broadly defined, social class has not been invoked in an RSS meetings theme in decades. Growing and arguably unacceptable levels of inequality have given rise to conflict and tension that revolve around class. There are worries about the disappearing middle and emergence of a social “precariat” class, about the unsettling reality of blocked opportunities for those struggling to survive, and about shifting definitions of “success” in the midst of leveled aspirations, resource scarcity, and climate change.

We invite you to explore rural social class and a wide variety of other topics at our 2016 meeting. RSS encourages a variety of rural practitioners and disciplines to attend. Join us in Toronto.
And remember you will need your passport.

Abstracts should be approximately 350-500 words and briefly outline the purpose and theoretical framing of the paper, poster, program, or organized session. Include methods and date used, and preliminary (if available) or expected findings. We offer this description as a general guideline and understand some papers and sessions may include other information. Please see the Types of Submissions section of our website <
click here>

The call for papers deadline is Friday,
February 5, 2016 11:59 pm (EST).

To submit, visit the “Call for Papers” tab on the RSS website, or <click here>

Please contact Kathy Brasier <> or Tim Slack <> with any questions or ideas for special events at the 2016 Annual Meeting.

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