(Training Course) Water and Waste Services

The Turin School of Local Regulation and the Florence School of Regulation are pleased to announce a new joint training course on:


When: 18-21 April 2016
Where: Center for Advanced Academic Studies, Dubrovnik, Croatia
What: The course intends to analyze economic regulation of water and sanitation services and urban waste management from different perspectives and to explore the peculiarities of centralized and local allocation of regulatory tasks in relation to the nature of the service, specific policy objectives (consumer protection, equity, environmental targets, efficiency …), the historical and cultural background, the relationship between different actors and stakeholders, the influence – when relevant – of international actors like international organizations and financial institutions. The existence of multi-level systems of regulation will be also analyzed as an emerging trend. The course final aim is to provide participants with a broader overview on the objectives of regulation and with some hints to evaluate on a case-by-case basis what are the most suitable instruments and what is the best layer of intervention for a sound regulation: national, local or multi-level. That is why frontal lessons will be accompanied by the presentation of specific case studies and by interactive working groups.
Who: The course is mainly addressed to representatives and Officials of national and local regulatory authorities, Central Public Administrations, regional and local governments, NGOs and consultancies engaged in the design and implementation of regulatory reforms, researchers, staff of International organizations.
– Regulation of natural monopolies: why and how? 
– The establishment of independent regulatory authorities: reasons, historical patterns, evolution and current trends
– Peculiarities of local regulation
– Knowing the FIELD for infrastructure and service regulation at local level: actors, information, incentives  (Presentation of the FIELD methodology – developed by the Turin School of Local Regulation and its potential applications to the design or reform of a regulatory framework for local public services)
– Multi-level regulation and trade-offs between national and local regulation
– Regulatory Reforms in Multi-level Governance Systems
– Case studies of regulation between national and local
– Visit: Lokrum National Park and presentation on governance issues related to the Park as a case study of local regulation
Deadline: applications are open until March 13th 2016

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