(Blog) Governance News Round-Up – February 2016

This is the first of a monthly posting gathering rural governance headlines from around the internet. If you have any reflections from one of the stories, or you have a story from your region to share, please leave a comment below!
India’s Budget:
Is there room in the budget for a big rural stimulus?
Government Increases Budget Allocation for Rural Development, MGNREGA
Indigenous Communities
Dear Maclean’s: Urban or Remote, Indigenous Communities Not Served Equally (Canada)
Energy and Environment:
Rurals Ignored in Ontario wind Energy Plan (Canada)
New Offshore Legislation Strengthening Environmental Protection Comes into Effect (Canada)
Market-based conservation programs slow deforestation in Chile, study finds
Municipal Government
Debate on urban-rural representation cannot be ignored (Canada)
Opponents to rural amalgamation voice concerns during meeting Tuesday in Summerside (Canada)
Theresa May set to shift police funds to Tory-run rural forces (UK)
Moving rural policing to Elmira worries New Hamburg Residents (Canada)
Interested in this topic? Join us for a FREE webinar on March 20th 10:00 am CST: 
Centralized and decentralized police systems: Examining citizen trust
Email BlatherwickM@brandonu.ca  by March 28th to register
Meggie MacMichael
Governance Team Support

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