Upcoming Webinar: Community Economic Development 201 Webinar

February 13, 2020 @ 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Webinar Session/ Register at: https://survey.clicktools.com/app/survey/response.jsp
Event Details:
Earlier this year the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) hosted several Community Economic Development workshops (CED 101) across Ontario. These sessions helped those involved in local economic development learn the basics of economic development in local communities, and how these concepts can be applied in municipal environments.
During CED 101, participants learned that Community Economic Development is a process of fostering an environment that results in the creation of wealth and well-being for the benefit of the community. CED is practiced through mobilizing economic wealth generators (e.g., investment attraction), support activities (e.g., family doctor recruitment) and community supports (e.g., infrastructure improvement).
Introducing CED 201
On December 10th, January 14th & February 13th from 1:30-4:00pm, OMAFRA is offering a webinar, CED 201, which aims to help you:
- Deepen your understanding of CED
- Identify your team and understand ways to interact to achieve your goals
- Explore your community’s readiness
- Better understand available tools

How is CED 201 different from CED 101?
While CED 101 explained the what and why of practicing Community Economic Development, CED 201 will delve deeper into how CED principles can be applied in your community. Bringing councillors, volunteers and EDOs into one space, this workshop will focus on building off content from CED 101.
CED 201 is a collaborative workshop, meant to prompt discussion regarding next steps for communities on their own CED journeys. Part of the training includes an interactive component that takes participants through the CED readiness exercise, allowing participants to further apply CED concepts by fully exploring and discussing their readiness for CED. The workshop is concluded by outlining tools available to communities to assist them with the next steps in their unique process.
Didn’t take CED 101?
If you already have a strong knowledge of the basics of CED, it is still possible to participate in CED 201 training, even if you haven’t taken CED 101.
The CED 201 workshop offers an excellent opportunity for those involved in local economic development to learn about the importance of implementing CED principles in their local communities.