
Call for Papers
2017 ICASS Conference:
Umea, Sweden, June 8-12

SessionWomen and food systems in the Circumpolar North
Organizers: Dr. Magalie Quintal-Marineau (University of Ottawa) and Eleanor Stephenson (McGill University)

Proposal deadline: December 16th 2016

We are pleased to invite papers for a session exploring women’s distinct roles and contributions to contemporary Indigenous food systems in the Arctic. Women’s provisioning contributions are often invisible in northern research and policy, yet are of crucial importance to survival of distinct food systems and cultures, food sovereignty, and social and community wellbeing. In this session, we explore food as the site of intersecting cultural, social, and economic systems, and foreground women’s contributions across these domains.
Possible topics include:

  • Gendered economic roles surrounding food
  • Northern food initiatives and community projects
  • Harvesting and store food procurement, sharing, and consumption
  • Women’s experiences and knowledge of foodscapes
  • Gendered implications of food policy
  • Feminist approaches to food
  • Food as a site of resistance

We invite interested participants to submit an abstract directly through the ICASS 2017 website at You can apply to the session “Women and food systems in the Circumpolar North” (session 15.01) under the theme People and Place. We look forward to reading your abstracts.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at @CAFSfoodstudies

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