CO-LEAD –Terri MacDonald,
CO-LEAD – Heather Hall,
TEAM SUPPORT – Hannah Dueck,

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Meet Tara Lynn Clapp – NRDN Team Policy Fellow

The Natural Resources Development Network is committed to exploring, understanding, and sharing knowledge around the  multitude of factors influencing the sustainable management of natural resources, particularly as it relates to the rural regions who rely so heavily upon these industries.

Our core areas of focus are:

    • Food & food security,
    • Climate change,
    • Rural communities, and
  • Industry and trade,

These areas of focus are considered alongside cross-cutting themes of land, water, energy, and governance & policy. We invite any and all participation from interested individuals and organizations.

The NRDN has successfully funded the following:
Literature Reviews & Knowledge Briefs

Policy Briefs & Recommendations

Conference Support


Recordings of all of our webinars can be found on the RPLC YouTube channel.  Visit the site to see all of the rural related webinars or check out some of the NRD-related webinars below.

NRDN E-Newsletters


For more episodes on a variety of rural issues, please visit:
Rural Routes is a Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development and Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation initiative. This show is supported through a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Connection grant.

Selected publications related to Natural Resource Development

Micha, E., Roberts, W., Ryan, M., O’Donoghue, C., & Daly, K. (2018). A participatory approach for comparing stakeholders’ evaluation of P loss mitigation options in a high ecological status river catchment. Environmental Science & Policy, 84, 41–51.
Stephenson, R. L., Paul, S., Wiber, M., Angel, E., Benson, A. J., Charles, A., … Neis, B., … Sumaila, U. R. (2018). Evaluating and implementing social–ecological systems: A comprehensive approach to sustainable fisheries. Fish and Fisheries, 0(0).
Beaudreau, A. H., Chan, M. N., & Loring, P. A. (2018). Harvest portfolio diversification and emergent conservation challenges in an Alaskan recreational fishery. Biological Conservation, 222, 268–277.
Minnes, S., Breen, S.-P., Markey, S., & Vodden, K. (2018). Pragmatism versus Potential: New Regionalism and Rural Drinking Water Management. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 13(2).
Ryser, L., Halseth, G., & Markey, S. (2018). Restructuring of Rural Governance in a Rapidly Growing Resource Town: The Case of Kitimat, BC, Canada. EchoGéo, (43).
Carter, K. L., & Vodden, K. (2018). Applicability of Territorial Innovation Models to Declining Resource-Based Regions: Lessons from the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 12(2–3).
Halseth, G., Markey, S., Ryser, L., Hanlon, N., & Skinner, M. (2018). Exploring New Development Pathways in a Remote Mining Town: The Case of Tumbler Ridge, BC Canada. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 12(2–3).
Olfert, M. Rose, and David Natcher. 2016. “Adaptation in a Resource-Based Economy in the Northern Great Plains.” Great Plains Research 26 (1):35–49.
Poudel, Krishna Lal, Thomas G. Johnson, and Rachna Tewari. 2016. “Property Rights and Sustainable Natural Resource Management.” Environmental Management and Sustainable Development 5 (2):30–40.
Ryser, Laura M., Greg Halseth, Sean Markey, and Marleen Morris. 2016. “New Mobile Realities in Mature Staples-Dependent Resource Regions: Local Governments and Work Camps.” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, September.
Stoett, Peter, and Owen Temby. 2015. “Bilateral and Trilateral Natural Resource and Biodiversity Governance in North America: Organizations, Networks, and Inclusion.” Review of Policy Research 32 (1):1–18.
Halseth, Greg, Laura Ryser, Sean Markey, and Alex Martin. 2014. “Emergence, Transition, and Continuity: Resource Commodity Production Pathways in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada.” Journal of Rural Studies 36:350–61.